Keep your pets safe and give a hand to wild animals and street animals.
Manten tus mascotas seguras con este calor, y ayuda a los animales callejeros y silvestres.
A bowl of cold water outside your home for the street animals and one in your garden will make birds, butterflies, bees and other animals happy! An empty carboard box can easily be used as a shelter for street animals, to protect them from the heat. Just place it in a safe place. Do your share! It is super simple to help animals. Do it now! It takes 1 minute of your time. Thanks.
Una simple taza de agua fria fuera de tu casa y una en tu jardin, va a ayudar a pajaros, mariposas, abejas y muchos mas animales. Una caja de carton vacia es un lugar donde los animales callejeros se pueden resguardar a salvo del agobiante calor. Es tan simple ayudar a los animales... Por favor hazlo ahora mismo. Solo te tomara un minuto. Gracias!

And last but not least, be super careful to avoid creating forest fires. A simple negligence of throwing a lighted cigarette butt or not extinguishing a forest pit properly, kills MILLIONS of animals in a horrible painful way and destroys millions of trees.